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- Mersive Release Notes
Mersive Release Notes
Release notes for Mersive software updates can be found here, with the most recent release first:
Web App: New Feature
While using the web app (app.mersive.com) and connected to a Mersive display, you can disconnect other users from that display. This is useful in case a user leaves but forgot to disconnect from the display. It is also useful to moderate content, meaning you can disconnect any user sharing inappropriate content.
Click here for details.
General Performance Enhancements
If the digital signage feed is down (for example, your digital signage URL is showing a 404 error), notifications will appear in various places. The Idle Screen will show a non-intrusive message at the bottom of the display. The admin portal will show an error icon on the digital signage info in the Background column and on the Device Settings page. Behind the scenes, the Mersive software will retry the digital signage feed connection every 10 seconds. In the meantime, the display will show the Idle Screen and users can still connect and share to the display.
Click here for details.
We do not allow inappropriate language to be entered in our apps, including user names when they connect to a display, display names, organization names, and so on. However, we realized that our content restriction did not allow some names to be entered. We updated our restricted content list to allow for names to be entered fully.
If a display loses network connectivity during certain points in the onboarding process, you will need to start over. With this release, if a network disconnect occurs during onboarding you will see a connection error on the display explaining what has happened. The system will return to the last saved point of the onboarding process, and you will need to start from that point to complete the onboarding.
The option to login to the admin portal using Google username and password has been removed. This change was designed to strengthen portal security and comply with corporate network security policies that do not include Google Authentication on their allow list. Because of this change, users who previously logged in with their Google credentials will now have to create a Mersive account.
Click here for details.
Two status messages have been added to the Devices screen in the admin portal: In Use and Sharing.
Click here for details.
Bug Fixes
After being logged into the admin portal for too long with no activity, you are returned to the Login screen. Previously when an inactivity timeout occurred, two identical popup messages would appear explaining what just happened. With this release, we have removed the second message because we feel that telling you once is enough.
Mersive Pro/Essentials Launch Preparation
The following functionality is being added with this release in preparation for the upcoming rollout of Mersive Pro and Essentials:
Ethernet and Wi-Fi network connection settings can be entered for a Pod or Mini in the admin portal. The new Networking tab on the Device Settings page contains fields for setting up the connection type, authentication, and certificates. Please note that this does not apply to Smart, because it operates over the smart TV or streaming device's network connection.
New Features in Admin Portal
This release introduces digital signage to the Mersive world. Digital signage, well known to the Solstice community, has an exciting new look for Mersive: seamless video or image playback with no interface elements visible. An idle device can now become a dynamic and fully customizable billboard incorporating company branding, welcome messages, advertisements, wayfinding, and the list goes on. Better still, we support YouTube video URLs, Google Slides URLs, and HTML URLs, so you probably already have content that's good to go. Frankly, we're excited to see the ideas you come up with on how to put seamless digital signage to work for you!
Click here for details.
We've added a new message area to the Idle screen called Custom Instructions. You can use this feature to put a custom message on a display's Idle screen. This feature is particularly useful when the user and the device are on separate networks and one network is isolated, which prevents peer-to-peer connections. With custom instructions, you can guide users to connect to the appropriate network before attempting to connect to the display.
Click here for details.
There are several text elements on the Idle screen (display name, screen key, messaging, and clock) that could obstruct the view of your digital signage or background images. With this release, you have the option of hiding one or more of the Idle screen elements. Keep in mind that although the display name is not currently essential for user connections, it will become important once AirPlay, Miracast, and Google Cast are supported.
Click here for details.
To make life a little easier for admins managing both Mersive and Solstice devices, we've added a Solstice Cloud button to the admin portal on the bottom left side. This allows you to switch quickly between admin portals for seamless fleet management.
In the admin portal, clicking on the organization name in the top left corner of the screen opens a dropdown list. Users will now see all of their organizations listed, and can switch directly into another organization’s page at any point after they log into that organization during their session.
General Performance Enhancements
When connected to a display through the web app, you see an "are you sure?" confirmation popup when you attempt to disconnect. With this release, you will only see this confirmation popup if you actively sharing at the time.
Previously, if you were entering a screen key and had to navigate away from that screen, you would have to start over because the app would forget what you had entered. With this release, the app will remember the partial screen key so you only have to finish entering the rest of the key when you navigate back to that screen. This includes both the web app and the admin portal.
When creating or resetting a password, you have to enter it twice identically. Previously, when the passwords didn't match, the error message was hard to see. With this release the "passwords do not match" message appears just above the password instructions, where it is more noticeable.
New Features and Enhancements
In this release, Device IDs have been added in the admin portal. These IDs will help identify smart TVs. The goal is to make it easier to identify Smart devices with similar names for administrative purposes or when calling into Mersive Support.
Resolved Issues
Previously, if the text size setting in your browser was greater than 100%, the edges of the text would be cut off in the web app and admin portal. With this release, the text should display properly regardless of the browser text size setting.
Sorting the Devices list by status was not working correctly in the admin portal. With this release, you should be able to sort devices by status properly.
User avatars were missing from the admin portal. They have been found and returned to their rightful place.
Looking for Solstice-related release notes? View our release notes for Solstice, Solstice Cloud and Solstice Active Learning.