Digital Signage Template

Solstice digital signage allows you to show HTML-based signage on Solstice displays when they are not being used for wireless collaboration or conferencing. It can add digital signage feeds to your Solstice-enabled meeting rooms, huddle rooms, and transitional spaces without the additional cost or complexity of deploying dedicated signage hardware. See Integrating Digital Signage for more technical details about digital signage with Solstice.
In Solstice 5.5.2 and later, digital signage functionality can be used to show a custom webpage in place of the Solstice welcome screen when a Solstice display is not in use for content sharing. See Solstice Dynamic Digital Signage for examples and more information.
How To
In Solstice Cloud, go to the left sidebar navigation panel and click Manage > Templates > Digital Signage.
Click Create New Digital Signage Template.
Enter the Template Name. For example, name the template by location (London Office) or descriptively (Mountain Theme).
Click Save.
You can also start by duplicating an existing template and making changes to it. Click on the three dots on the right side of the template you want to start with, and choose Duplicate Template.
Select the Enable Digital Signage checkbox. This activates the digital signage options.
In the Source URL field, enter the URL of the digital signage feed or source content.
In Start After, select the amount of time after which you want the digital signage feed to start playing.
To the right of the thumbnail preview, select a digital signage display mode. The thumbnail preview shows a preview of how the digital signage feed appears on the Solstice display.
Full Screen: Signage content is displayed full screen on the Solstice display. No Solstice connection information is shown — users must know Solstice display name or IP address to connect.
Footer Only: Only the Solstice welcome screen footer is shown over the signage content. Users familiar with Solstice can see the Solstice display name and/or IP address in the footer area to connect and share content. The source URL must be viewable within an IFrame.
Footer + Overlay: The Solstice welcome screen footer and sidebar overlay are shown on top of digital signage to provide users with full connection instructions and/or room calendar information. The source URL must be viewable within an IFrame.
Click Save.
Some signage providers require you to register each Solstice display playing the digital signage feed as a signage endpoint. Refer to your digital signage content provider's instructions to complete this process as needed.
Solstice administrators should be aware that the Cloud settings for a Solstice Pod take precedence and overwrite any conflicting settings on the Pod itself.
In the case of a settings mismatch for a Pod between Solstice Cloud and the Pod's own settings, Cloud settings always "win." The only exception is when a settings change in a Cloud template causes Solstice Cloud to be unable to connect to the Pod. In this case, the settings in that template set are rolled back to the last working configuration for that Pod. Pod and template status indicators alert users when this case occurs.
In the left sidebar menu of Solstice Cloud, click Manage > Pods.
The Pod Template Assignments table displays. This table is used to apply templates across your deployment. You can apply a template to multiple Pods at once.
Filter Solstice Pods in your deployment by default categories or categories you have created to apply templates efficiently to similar Pods. Filters allow you to apply templates by criteria such as location or campus, depending on the categories you have created and assigned to Pods.
Select the Pods you want to apply the template to. You can select each Pod's checkbox individually, or select the checkbox in the header row of the table to select all Pods showing in the table.
For each template you want to apply, go to the corresponding template type column (e.g., Welcome Screen). You can view different groups of templates by selecting a template category in the upper right corner of the table.
Select the template with the desired configuration from the list in the appropriate column for one of the selected Pods. This applies the template to all the selected Pods in the table.
Click Confirm when to confirm applying the selected template to all selected Pods.
As changes are being applied, the pending changes
icon appears next to the template(s) being applied. After the changes are applied, the Pod's normal status resumes.
If a Pod is offline, any changes made are applied when the Pod comes back online.
If a settings change in a Cloud template causes Solstice Cloud to be unable to connect to the Pod, the Pod's settings for that template is rolled back to their previous configuration. A failure icon
shows that the template could not be applied.
If a template you applied has any unique-to-Pod settings that need to be applied each Pod individually, a pop-up pane appears prompting you to enter the needed information for each affected Pod. After you complete all of the settings screens, click Save & Close.
Solstice checks the settings selected for a Pod in Solstice Cloud management against the settings on the Pod itself approximately once an hour, as well as upon Pod reboot.