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Step 6: Add a Room Calendar

Solstice offers the option to show the schedule and calendar information for the room on a Solstice display when there is no other content being shared. Participants can see if the space is currently scheduled or available, as well as the next three upcoming meetings in the space.

Use the following options to integrate room calendars with your Solstice displays. For more details about room calendar integration settings for each calendar type, see the Room Calendar Settings.

Add a Room Calendar for a Solstice Display

  1. In Solstice Dashboard, select the Solstice display to show a room calendar for from the list of Your Solstice Instances.

  2. Ensure Modern Welcome Screen is enabled (Appearance and Usage tab > Appearance section).

  3. Go to the Calendar tab and select the Enabled box.

  4. From the Calendar Type list, select the type of calendar you are integrating for the room. You will need to provide the following information for each option:

    • Microsoft Exchange - Enter the Microsoft Exchange Server URL for the room calendar account, select whether your Exchange server uses Basic or NTLM as an Authentication type, and enter the information needed for that authentication type as prompted. If the account uses either an Impersonation or Delegation mailbox, enter them into the corresponding fields.

    • Office 365 Online - Modern (strongly recommended) - Enter the Tenant ID, your Client ID, the Client Secret, and the full email address of the room calendar's Microsoft 365 account in Username.

    • Office 365 Online - Legacy (basic authentication) - Select the Authentication type for the room calendar's Microsoft 365 account and enter the information needed for that authentication type as prompted. If the account uses either an Impersonation or Delegation mailbox, enter them into the corresponding fields.

    • Google Calendar - Enter the email address and Upload the service-account credentials, such as a JSON key, for the Google Workspace service account associated with the room calendar. Follow the prompts to test the connection.

    • 3rd Party Only - Only select this option if you are using Solstice’s OpenControl APIto integrate a third-party calendar. See Calendar APIfor configuration options.

  5. To hide meeting titles or meeting organizers from being visible on the room display, uncheck Show meeting titles and/or Show meeting organizers.

  6. Select the desired Update Interval frequency to set how often Pods will update the calendar meeting information visible on the display.

  7. Click Apply.

Next Step

Step 7: Set Up Display Discovery