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Network Requirements

All Mersive Collaboration Suite (MCS)-enabled devices require an internet connection with DNS resolution. Sharing to these devices takes place via WebRTC, so while user devices will also require an internet connection, they will not have to be connected to the same local network as the Mersive device.

WebRTC and Network Factors

WebRTC constantly adjusts the frame rate (FPS) of shared video due to factors such as type of shared content, static images vs videos, bandwidth, etc. Resolution and bitrate also are very much dependent on factors such as user’s network, available bandwidth, etc. Due to network factors, video quality might drop below a certain threshold. However, MCS products are optimized for the best performance possible based on available bandwidth and network speed.

Network Setup

This section provides instructions on how to connect devices to a corporate network. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a secure and efficient environment.

Network Security Structure

A recommended best practice is to create a separate network segment for your devices. This network segment should be isolated from staff and guest networks but allow secure communication between these segments. External users should connect via a guest network that allows access to devices without compromising the internal staff network.

Isolated Guest Networks

If a user or an MCS-enabled device is connected to a guest network that has network isolation, it will prevent peer-to-peer connections which are required for this software to work. For this reason, Mersive recommends that you make sure your devices and users are not on isolated guest networks.

Step-by-Step Setup

  1. Initial Network Setup

    • Configure a dedicated VLAN or subnet for MCS-enabled devices.

    • Ensure that this VLAN/subnet has internet access for device registration and updates.

    • Sample Configuration:

      • VLAN ID: 200

      • Subnet:

      • DHCP enabled with a sufficient IP range.

  2. Device Configuration

    • Use the Mersive Management Portal to register and activate your devices.

    • During the activation, configure device-specific settings such as display name and background images. Click here for details.

  3. Testing and Validation

    • Connectivity Testing

      • Test connections from both staff and guest networks to ensure that devices can connect and share content seamlessly.

      • Validate that cross-network connections work correctly, ensuring security and performance.

    • Functionality Testing

      • Verify that all features, such as screen sharing, are functioning as expected.

      • Conduct a thorough test during off-peak hours to avoid disrupting regular operations.

Firewall Exceptions

In some enterprise networks, you might need to adjust firewall settings and open specific network ports to ensure full functionality.


Connections are over port 443 unless noted otherwise.

Firewall Exceptions Required for All MCS Products (wss)
* (wss) (wss) - UDP port 19302

Additional Exception Required for Mersive Smart

Additional Exceptions Required for MCS Plans Including Mersive Hardware (Gen4 Mini or Gen4 Pod) - UDP port 123

Performance Impacts Due to Network Factors

Here are some examples of performance impacts due to network conditions:

  • Mersive Smart app: If network quality is high, you can expect 1080p resolution and 24fps for a single share.

  • Static images: When you share a static image, WebRTC will detect that there is no movement and set the FPS to 1. So, if you suddenly start scrolling, it is expected to sometimes see some blur or lag as WebRTC adjusts FPS.

  • Other factors that can impact performance: The hardware that the Mersive Smart app is running on. Your smart TV’s CPU and memory play a part in the quality, resolution, and latency of shares.

  • Users are connected to a display via different networks: You may experience lower quality shares.

Recommended Network Performance Metrics

Network Item




The maximum rate at which data can be transferred over a network connection.

  • Home networks: 100 Mbps (Megabits per second) or higher

  • Business or enterprise networks: 1 Gbps or more

Latency (Ping)

The time it takes for a data packet to travel from the source to the destination and back, usually measured in milliseconds (ms).

Low latency is crucial for real-time applications.

  • Less than 20 ms is excellent

  • 20-50 ms is good

  • 50-100 ms is acceptable for most uses

  • anything above 100 ms can start to affect performance, especially in gaming.


The variation in latency over time, which can affect the consistency of the network connection.

  • Low jitter is important for smooth performance. Less than 5 ms is excellent, 5-20 ms is acceptable, and anything above 20 ms can cause noticeable issues.

Packet Loss

The percentage of data packets that are lost during transmission.

  • Ideally, packet loss should be 0%.

  • A loss of less than 1% is generally acceptable for most applications.


The actual rate at which data is successfully transferred over the network, which can be affected by network congestion and other factors.

  • Throughput close to or matching the bandwidth capacity is ideal.

    • For example, if your plan is 100 Mbps, achieving throughput close to that value is good.

Error Rate

The rate at which errors occur during data transmission.

  • Low error rates are essential for reliable performance. Ideally, error rates should be minimal.

Network Utilization

The percentage of the available bandwidth that is actually being used.

  • Moderate utilization (50-80%) indicates efficient use of available bandwidth without overwhelming the network.

  • High utilization (above 90%) can lead to congestion and slower performance

Connection Stability

How consistent and reliable the network connection is over time.

  • A stable connection has minimal fluctuations in performance and uptime.

You can use these tools to check your network’s metrics:

  • Speed Test: Websites and apps like Ookla’s Speedtest or netspeed_icon1.png Internet Speed Test can measure bandwidth, latency, and sometimes jitter.

  • Ping Test: Command-line tools (e.g., ping in Windows or Unix-based systems) can measure latency.

  • Traceroute: Shows the path data takes and can help identify latency or routing issues.

  • Network Analyzers: Tools like Wireshark can provide detailed insights into network traffic, errors, and performance issues.

Troubleshoot Offline Devices

Devices may show an “offline” status in the management portal for a number of reasons. If you see a device in an offline status, follow this table to find and correct the issue.


For Mersive Smart, network settings are controlled by the host device (smart TV or streaming device). To modify network settings, follow manufacturer’s recommendations.

Table 1. Possible Causes and Solutions for Offline Status






App deleted from the smart TV or streaming device

1. Confirm that the app no longer exists on the smart TV or streaming device.

2. DELETE the offline device from the device list in the management portal.

3. Re-download the app to the device.

4. Re-onboard the device as a new device.


Device is powered off

Make sure the device is plugged in and turned on (in the case of Mersive Smart).




Firewall is blocking connection

Confirm that the required URLs are allowlisted and the required ports are open on your network firewall. Click here for additional details about firewall exceptions.




Incorrect Wi-Fi SSID or password entered during configuration


1. Plug in an Ethernet cable.

2. Ensure the appropriate ports are open so the device can talk to our management portal.

3. Reconfigure the wireless network settings from the management portal.



Incorrect Wi-Fi SSID or password entered during configuration


1. Factory reset the device by pressing the reset button on the front of the box for 10 seconds, removing power, and then reapplying power while the reset button is still pressed. Stop pressing the button when the status bar lights up.

2. DELETE the offline device from the device list in the management portal.

3. Re-onboard the device as a new device.



Troubleshoot Network Unresponsive After Change

After switching networks, such as when you move from work to home, your device may lose connection to the display, and the app becomes unresponsive. This can happen when the app doesn't automatically re-establish a connection to the display.

Take these steps to check and correct the issue:

  1. Check your internet connnection. Make sure your device is connected to the new network (Wi-Fi or Ethernet). If you have switched networks, confirm that your device shows a stable internet connection.

  2. Restart the app. If the internet connection is good but the connection to the device still doesn’t work, close the app completely and then reopen it. This will reset the connection and allow the app to reconnect to the display.

  3. Reconnect to the display. Follow the regular steps to start sharing your screen or content.

  4. Restart your router. If you are unable to connect and share, try restarting your Wi-Fi router. This refreshes your network settings and often fixes the connection issue.

Tamper Warning

Opening the case or otherwise tampering with the device will void its warranty. Do not remove or damage the sticker on the bottom of the device.